Pixxi Journal

Five Years of PixxiBook!

Yes - just over five years ago the courageous Charlotte of Baffin Island clicked "Pay" and made history with the first ever PixxiBook blog book order from someone we didn't already know. Thank you, Charlotte for your vote of confidence that had us dancing around the kitchen table!

Jan 21 2024timweb business
Benefits of Printing a Blog Book

We asked [ChatGPT-3](https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/), the 175 billion paramater neural model trained on the sum of all human knowledge (aka The Internet), what it thought about transforming a blog into a book.

Jan 02 2023timblogging
Print Your Instagram Book with PixxiBook

Your Instagrams, in a book!

Feb 11 2022timweb instagram beta
Announcing multi-book checkout!

Buy all of your volumes at once!

Jul 29 2020timweb
Print Your Tumblr Blog Book with PixxiBook

All your tumblrs, in a book!

May 20 2019timweb tumblr beta
Wix Blog Books Now Available

Happily, we can announce that we have enabled support for Wix blogs at PixxiBook. Now Wix bloggers can create their own beautiful blog books just as easily as our Wordpress, Blogger and Squarespace users.

Jan 28 2019timweb wix beta
Blog Book Creation Breakdown

There's literally billions of blogs out there but have you ever wondered what type of blogs people are choosing to print? Neither did we until we got into this business but now we've dug through our recent blog book orders to find some answers about our customers and their blogs and their books. We find it interesting and we hope you will too.

Jan 27 2019timstatsbusiness
Quotes From Our Travel Blog Books

A large number of our customers make books of their travel blogs. Blogs of voyages of all types, documenting days, weeks, months, years, sometimes decades. Whether cycling to Alaska, sailing the South Pacific, motorcycling the Steppes or eating their way the length of South America, it's clear that these travellers take inspiration from those that have preceeded them just as their own journeys and writings will inspire others.

Jan 07 2019timtravelquotes
Blog Your Way to Success with Homeschooling on the Road

Homeschooling on the road, or _World Schooling_ as it is sometimes called, can be a daunting undertaking for both parents and children, but it doesn't have to be. Outside of a formal class context, school doesn't have to follow the same rules and structures but instead can be an immersive part of everyday life interwoven with the travel experience. In this article I outline how we successfully used blogging, already a common activity for travelling families, as part of the travel school 'curriculum'.

Dec 05 2018sabrinatravelblogginghomeschool
A Motivating Blurb

This is a longer blurb extolling the virtues of hard work and preserving all that hard work that you put into your blog without doing any further hard work beyond clicking some buttons and getting out your credit card.

Nov 14 2018timstory
7 Reasons Travel Blogging is Better Than Facebook

When travelling, whether on short escapes or longer journeys, you naturally want to share your experiences with those that are close to you. It is a way to bring them

Sep 24 2018timblogging travel draft
It's Launch Day!

We remove the Beta banner and magically, PixxiBook enters full availability. Of course it was an open beta so it was already fully available but the banner was the last road-block, a warning that is no longer required.

Jul 24 2018timweb
PixxiBook Enters Beta

PixxiBook enters general availability - anyone can create and print their book. Signup is optional, previews are free, books are paid for.

May 09 2018timweb beta
First Post

This the first journal entry. More than a test, it is an indicator of things to come. We will use this journal to build the PixxiBook story, trials and tribulations as we proceed from Zero to Hero (presumed).

May 01 2018timweb business

Print the Book of your Blog!